Friday, July 08, 2016

My first cycle ride for 30+ kms

It is not until we moved into Delhi my interest in cycling got rekindled. I guess all the cyclists around Raj Path, India Gate and most of the large parks and gardens around this mega city have somehow managed to light the spark in me after all these years. Not to forget my biggest inspiration being my husband who rides to work mostly.

It was sheer enthusiasm and the need to do pick up a sport with my beloved that got me cycling. Not that I hate it, I actually love cycling. I have actually cycled all my school years, though it was for a mere 4 km distance one way. Well post those days, I haven’t touched a bicycle, thanks to me moving into newer cities, working and travelling most of my waking hours in the last decade.

My maiden longer cycling distance started on an inauspicious day, just like that. My husband and I were awake at 5 am on a Sunday and decided to take off for as long as I could manage to ride without pain or discomfort.

A word of caution to those who want to attempt cycling after decades, DO NOT START OFF WITHOUT ANY PREP, like I did. Your enthusiasm will mask the pain and push you to kick in all your energy into the pedals thus taking you a longer distance from your start point which in my case was my home.

Trying a new bike with 24 gears, gave me more verve and I was zipping past my husband on an all too familiar route. He was baffled; all these months of him riding to work and here I am on my day one without any prep racing ahead like a pro. He thought I was a natural and kept encouraging me to go ahead. Before I realized we had crossed 10 kms already and phew, I thought I wouldn’t even make 10 kms both ways.

I kept pushing till I reached a resting place near India Gate and I called it enough for one way. To my surprise we had covered 15+ kms in less than an hour. It only means that I would end up doing a 30+ kms ride in a total of 2 hours including traffic. Wow, that is MASSIVE for me. I never believed I would be able to accomplish this.

With a 30 minute break we decided to head back home before the Sun is out harsh as it usually is in these summer months. On our return journey we decided to swap cycles. I now rode my husband’s Fantom 21 gear MTB while he rode the 24 gear Schwinn city bike that I rode on earlier. What a massive change in riding experience for the both of us.

Frame: The frames are different both in size and metal. Actually Fantom was bought considering me so it was smaller while Schwinn is owned by our neighbor and so had a bigger frame.
Weight: Fantom was naturally heavier than Schwinn
Gear Shifting: Smooth gear shifting on both the bikes
Ease of Riding: I am no expert on bikes but I could certainly vouch that riding Schwinn was like a breeze

Some 5 kms down I realized my energy level was dipping down and the ride was getting tougher. With my husband continuously motivating me I managed to push forward as much as I could but I was slowing him down.

To add to this, the traffic at 8 am on Sunday though not heavy was not comforting either. Also, a steep gradient on our way back home was killing that little bit of energy in me pushing me to take a quick break.

Splashing water on my face and quenching my thirst a little bit, I watched people zipping past us in their vehicles and wondered, why I cycled this long a distance, after almost two decades of no cycling at all. I should have started out with smaller distances, I thought, but then I knew, I am not someone who takes on easy tasks. I just love challenges and this one though, wasn’t any challenge to start off, had somehow become one now: A challenge to cycle a distance of 30+kms in roughly about two hours.

A couple of old men cycling in this gradient, slow but steady, in their non gear cycle, was inspiration enough for me to get going ahead. Like the saying “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” I pushed myself to peddle through the gradient that somehow seemed never ending. It took a little longer but I nailed it finally. Oh, what a relief now, that I could cycle smoothly to reach home, after a fantastic riding experience.

I have to mention that Schwinn was easily a plus on the riding comfort and that probably could explain why I was zipping past my husband on my onward journey. Fantom though a great bike wasn’t giving the riding comfort expected out of it. I could never understand, what could be so different in these bikes, that there is so much of a difference, in the riding comfort. 

The one thing I was certain of, irrespective of the brand, is that, I could cycle longer distances with a little practice.  

Some helpful tips:
If intending to begin cycling, please do follow these small things that go a long way in building your stamina.

1. Begin with shorter distances to start off.
2. Give enough time for both warm up and cool down.
3. Work on strengthening exercises for your limbs.
4. Keep your cool and enjoy every bit of the ride, rain or shine.

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