Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Treat to your eyes....somewhere amidst Smoky Mountains, USA

I stood watching this beauteous sight for more than one long minute. I have been captivated with such beauty before but this one brought me some memories to carry with me forever. No, I am no saint contemplating over REALITY reflected by this view. I am a normal girl hanging out with friends amidst a hectic work schedule. How could I not remember the cold breeze kissing my face as it brushes against me in the early afternoon hours. I stood relishing the vastness of the magnified silence in its greatest splendour. All that one can hear is the music of the wind as it blows through the valley interrupted rarely by the noise of a bike or a car passing by. Its a breathtaking sight for a normal eye and for a nature freak like me its a glimpse of the beauty around us. Its ups and downs, bends and turns reflects life in every sense. I couldnt help comparing our lives with this valley in front of me. It gave me a good insight and I filled my lungs with the fresh air replenishing me with amazing energy and love.......


  1. cool stuff!!!!!!!!!!

    if interested


  2. cool stuff !!

    if no rush do get into


    hav a great day!!!!

  3. its simply beautiful
