Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bring a smile to every face you meet

Flowers and children bring you smiles at every moment of your life. Can you deny these from anyone? Have you ever thought about it? I bet you cannot. We fail to see the radiance of the flowers in our daily lives. We pass through a lot many, yet fail to stopby and admire them. There may be some that spread fragrance, there may be some thats very attractive to eyes, yet there are some that remind you of life's simplicity and the ever changing pursuits of mankind. Flowers, no matter where they are, bring a smile to your face and spread joy around irrespective of the receiver. Children too in their own innocence spread love and happiness to all around them. Do you need a moment of happiness, then you ought to be amidst flowers and/or children...... Enjoy life and spread happiness to all you meet in your life. Remember every stranger is a friend in the making.....

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