Thursday, September 22, 2016

My second 35 km ride in a Trek bike

After my first long ride I didn't go on another for the next week. But then you know, once you have enjoyed doing something, its really hard to stay off of it. So week 2 saw me riding a Trek 3700 series and this time too India Gate called to us. So there we were, all geared up on a Saturday morning to explore the roads on our bikes.

Pain from my first ride taught me more; I was better prepared and equipped this time. The 17 km ride took me 55 minutes onwards and roughly about the same on return. Riding experience wasn't too different but a Hybrid has its advantages on the city roads. Its lighter and hence moves faster. Trek's size was perfect for my height and I loved the ride. I now need to test the bikes on longer distances to see if I prefer an ATB or a Hybrid.

Remember the gradient I mentioned in my first post. I was intimidated by it as we came to that spot but then I didn't let it get to me. I shifted gears comfortably well before the inclination and was able to get through it without making a stop. It was a small achievement to me.

My riding experience was fantastic and less painful when compared to my earlier one. All through out the ride, I was more or less at even pace. It helped me maintain my energy levels in spite of the hot sun.

My verdict: Trek is a perfect bike even for beginners. The ride is smooth as a butter and it is value for money.

Things to ponder on

1. Enjoy the ride throughout.
2. Take breaks if needed.
3. Cycle for 15 minutes every day even if you aren't ready to go for longer rides.

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