Tuesday, November 17, 2015

About Me

After a 12 year fast paced high flying career I have packed my bags from the corporate world to travel and pursue my other hobbies. I am a homemaker now thoroughly enjoying my days at home while being blissful of my unemployed status and doing all that I missed while working.  It really is important to take time off for yourself and your family and what better time than when you are at the peak of your career. At times, I feel like I am this curious child wanting to explore everything that lies in front of me. So far baking, cooking, quilling, writing, travelling, reading, horse riding and yoga has got the best of me. Learning new languages, a new dance form, riding my own bike, cycling longer routes, running marathons, teaching all that I have learnt have crawled into me already. Honestly, I believe this is just the beginning of my never-ending list of things. But these are the things that truly make who I am.

I firmly believe that everyone in this world has a special someone made for them and that they would meet this person when the time is right. Well I have met my soul mate and am blissfully married to him. It truly has been one incredible journey so far especially with him pushing me to find new horizons every moment of my life. The secret of this beautiful bond is the delightful and simple approach to life and adaptability to changing times. Besides deriving inspiration from each other, travelling and vacationing together has created cherished memories that last a lifetime. My most beautiful memories with him are those of the long evening walks, traveling in a heavily beaten down bus from a tiny village to reach a safe place amidst floods, being chased by elephant herd in a national park, falling down on a steep hill and hitting my head hard, being scared to death to climb down a treacherous hill  that I wasn’t so afraid of while climbing up, shopping till we dropped towards the end of a particular travel, almost drowned by massive waves while returning from an island deep in the sea, baking highs and mishaps, other gastronomic delights, making travel plan every few months and those erratic one off Sundays when we fight for no reason but later cuddle into sleep forgetting our high flaring temperaments.  He read my blog from the last decade (my few earlier posts) and has ever since been the source of inspiration for me to pen down my interests, experiences and learning from this beautiful life.